Plank Jacks
  • Back
  • Abs
  • Gluteus
  • Quads
  • Hamstrings
  • Calves
  • Inner Thighs
Trainer:Zoey Flores
Equipment:Fitness Mat
Plank Jacks
  • Back
  • Abs
  • Gluteus
  • Quads
  • Hamstrings
  • Calves
  • Inner Thighs
Trainer:Zoey Flores
Equipment:Fitness Mat

Start with the plank position with your arms extended, hands under the shoulders, and your feet together. Your body should be in a straight line from your head to your heels. Engage your abs to protect your Lower Backfrom injury. Jump off feet wide to each side as you are doing a horizontal jumping jacks.

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To work out the perfect buttocks, you need to know what functions they have. In this article, you may read everything about the structure and functions of the gluteus muscles. So, let’s start examining the glutes right now! First things first, you need to know that glutes consist of three separate parts: large, medium, and small. Accordingly, the functions of the glutes reflect a combination of the functions of these three muscles, and if any of the muscles are not used, then we lack some of them, and, as a result, we do not get the desired look of the buttocks. Probably, it is time to have a closer look at every glute muscle. The gluteus maximus is the largest of this group of muscles and can reach the thickness of 2-3 cm. It has a rhomboidal shape and almost completely o covers the middle and small gluteus maximus, being on top. In fact, it is this muscle that we usually associate with the considered area of the body that creates the main visible volume. Here are the main functions of the gluteus maximus: maintains the position of the torso when the person is standing assists in extension of the torso after bending over rotates the hip outward acts in hip extension. This muscle is very active during stair climbing and different types of stepping on an elevated surface. It is involved as soon as you change from stepping to running. It is active during upward jumps and various pushing movements of the legs. Besides, the gluteus maximus works together with other muscles in squats and all exercises involving the extension of the thigh and torso. The middle gluteal muscle (lat. musculus gluteus medius) has a triangle-like shape. It is located under the gluteus maximus but is visible from behind and the side. The main functions of the middle gluteus muscle are: extends the hip to the side participates in the inward and outward rotation of the hip participates in the torso straightening And the last, but no less important is the gluteus minimus. This muscle is not visible from the outside because it is the deepest of all three muscles and is completely overlapped by the gluteus medius and gluteus maximus. The shape of the small gluteus maximus resembles the middle gluteus maximus, but it is thinner. In fact, the functions of this muscle are almost similar to that of the gluteus medius, and they usually work in tandem to create a beautiful shape of your buttocks. If you are working out your entire body in one workout, do it at least three times a week. Choose one exercise for your gluteus and incorporate it into your program. To avoid stagnation, change exercises after 1-2 workouts. If you prefer splits, choose 1-2 movements and do it on your leg workout day. Keep in mind that most glute exercises also load the muscles of the posterior surface of the thigh. So if you want to do a heavy deadlift or leg press in a machine, it is better to start with them. Otherwise, the muscles will get tired and you will not be able to work out fully. We hope that you know more about your glutes right now and your workout will be more effective! Have a nice shape, dear friend.
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The trapezius muscle is a crucial straight broad muscle that is located in a superficial position, in the back part of the neck and the upper back. The trapezius muscle has the shape of a triangle, the base facing the spinal column, and the top - to the acromion of the scapula. These kinds of muscles on both sides of the back together are trapezoidal. There are three parts of it: Upper part: Once the spine is fixed and raises the scapula. With a fixed shoulder blade, it straightens the head and neck. Middle part: When the spine is fixed and the head brings the scapula to the spine. With the contraction of all parts of the muscles, the adduction of the shoulder blades also occurs. Low part: It downs the shoulder girdle when the spine and head are fixed. The upper trapezius muscles are trained by raising and lowering the shoulders with weights in the hands (performing shrugs). The lower part is trained by bringing the shoulder blades of the back under load. Training. Band Seated Row. Sitting on the floor with your legs extended loop an elastic band around your soles and hold one end in your right hand. Squeezing your shoulder blades and making a twist to the right with your torso, pull the band toward your waist. Then repeat the action to the other side. Planche. It is an advanced gymnastic exercise. You should have a high level of fitness preparation and strong hands. It is the skill in which your body should be parallel to the ground supported by hands and arms with your legs raised. S-Leg Pushup. Put your hands and toes on the mat. Keep your arms straight, but don't lock your elbows. Align your feet making the straight line with your arms and core. Inhaling, bend your elbows and lower your chest to the mat slowly. Straighten your arms to lift your core up, exhaling, at the same time lifting one leg off the ground. P-up Variation. Put your hands and toes on the mat. Keep your arms straight, but don't lock your elbows. Align your feet making the straight line with your arms and core. Inhaling, bend your elbows and lower your chest to the bench slowly. Straighten your arms to lift your core up, exhaling.
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Building up the calf muscles and make your legs beautiful is quite difficult, but possible. It is difficult because the legs are used to constant strain (usually people walk a lot). And it becomes possible thanks to the proven exercises, which can effectively train this group of muscles. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the anatomy of calves, their functions, and exercises that you can do to help make them stronger. The calf muscle is the most superficially located muscle of the lower leg that crosses two joints: the knee and ankle. Like the biceps of the shoulder, it consists of two heads: medial (located closer to the inside of the tibia) and lateral (located closer to the outside of the tibia). It is interesting to note, that about 5.5% of Japanese and about 3% of people of other nationalities may have the 3rd head of the calf muscle, which attaches from above between the fixation sites of the medial and lateral heads, and may connect from below either to the lateral head (less often) or to the medial head (more often). The primary function of the calf muscle is to lift the supporting leg, which causes a person to move forward along with flexion of the knee and ankle joints. Running causes a lot of stress on the calf muscles that is why many sprinters face the problem of calf pain. There are also other functions of the calf muscle. The calf muscle is involved in the plantar flexion of the foot, which occurs during walking, running, or cycling; It is also activated during flexion of the leg at the knee joint; It participates in the supination of the foot (its outward rotation); The calf muscle takes part in the stabilization of the knee and ankle joints and also helps to keep the balance in the upright position of the body. There are many reasons that can cause calf pain. And to prevent this unpleasant situation, the following rules should be followed: running at a comfortable pace; warming up before running and stretching after training; comfortable shoes suitable for running; a smooth transition from running to stopping after a step; drinking plenty of water after the workout; a warm shower/bath and a massage to relax the muscles. The reasons why the calf muscles are not as developed as you would like them to be could be the following: too much training aimed at working out this muscle group; not enough exercise; the wrong set of exercises. It is necessary to choose the right exercises for the calf muscles. It must be noted that the surface muscle is worked out in a standing position, and the cambalic muscle in a sitting position. To train as effectively as possible, it is necessary to load both muscles. And the last, but not the least advice: do not try to achieve serious results by performing endless repetitions, such as deadlifts. The main secret of how to pump up the calf muscles is heavy training with weights. It is recommended to train your calves no more than 2 times a week.
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Your lower back includes the 5 vertebral bones that are placed on top of each other with intervertebral discs. The bones are connected there using unique joints. The lumbar spine is matched with the thoracic region above and the thighs below. Individual anatomical structures include : Vertebrae. It protects important nerve tissues such as the spinal cord and cauda equina. Disks. The discs usually provide cushioning and cushioning to protect the vertebrae during spinal movements. Facet joints give a little stability and allow the spine to move in various directions. The facets of the upper lumbar vertebrae are almost the same as the facet joints of the chest and, as it was already written, the main aim is controlling the movement of the spine. The facets of the lumbar are more flexible and facilitate side-to-side movement. The large muscles and complex network of ligaments support serve to stabilize it and enhance your twisting and bending movements. The lumbar supports most of the body. A lot of people feel this kind of pain at some point sometimes. Sedentary muscle atrophy is common, especially if you work in an office and lead a relatively sedentary lifestyle. If you want to make your lower back stronger, start with a regular training program that consists of strength training, stretching, and aerobics or cardiovascular exercise. Training Child's pose. Get on all fours and stretch your arms out in front of you. Gently lower your buttocks to your heels. Lower your head to the floor and push your palms forward until your arms are fully extended. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Lunges. Lunge with your right foot forward, rest on your hands. Please note that the right hand should be to the left of the leg. Step your right foot about the width of your right hand. Next, without moving your arms, swing your hips forward to stretch the front of the thighs, and hold in this position for 30 seconds. Do the same with the other leg. Seated crunches. Sit with your legs straight, then bend your knees and bring your left leg over your right, placing it on the outside of your right thigh. Pull your right foot closer to your right buttock. Next, bend your right arm at the elbow and put it behind your left knee, as if keeping yourself twisted. Hold this position for 30 seconds. and repeat the same for the other leg. Happy child. Lie on the floor, as you exhale, pull your knees to your stomach. As you inhale, grab the outer sides of your feet with your hands. Slightly spread the knees to the sides slightly wider than the body, pull the knees to the armpits. Make sure your shins are perpendicular to the floor. Hold this pose for 30 seconds. Twisting. Lie on the floor and bend your knees, take your legs to the side, for example to the right. In this case, the left leg should lie on the floor, and the right ankle should be above the left knee. Place your hands next to your head, with your right knee strive downward (to the floor). Stay in this position for 30 seconds. alternately for each side.
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The most important muscles in the upper back are the lats and trapezius. Lats (Latissimus dorsi). Shaping muscles of the back, giving the figure a tapered appearance. Visually widen the shoulders and make the waist appear narrower. They are located on both sides of the spine, and their shape resembles a wing. Trapezius muscles. These are the muscles that need to be trained if you want to correct the slouch. Responsible for the movement of the scapula. They have a triangular shape; in the upper part, they are attached to the back of the head, in the lower part - to the spine. Be careful, ‘cos back exercises are some of the most traumatic. In the early stages, use light weights to strengthen the ligaments and muscles to protect the spine. After mastering the technique, gradually and very gently increase the weight. The upper and horizontal rows are the exercises closest to the anatomical movement of the joints. Training Wide grip pull-ups. Pulling up is one of the main exercises for back muscle growth, performed with body weight. First, learn how to pull up correctly, and only then move on to training with dumbbells or a barbell. It is important that when performing the exercise, you should feel the work of the back muscles, not the biceps. Grab the horizontal bar with an upper grip, arms slightly wider than shoulder-width. When pulling up, try to pull the body up not with your hands, but with your back. Pause for a second at the top point, smoothly return to the starting position. Upper block thrust. The exercise imitates pulling up, go to it only when you learn to pull up, and you can do it at least 8-10 times per set. Important: pulling the bar towards your chest, not your head - this will reduce the dangerous load on your shoulders, a signal of improper performance - to feel the work of the hands. If you can't feel your back, use less weight. increase the width of the grip every time - this has a positive effect on the 'growth' of the back. Seated pulldown. A basic exercise that includes a large muscle mass, especially the pectorals and lats. One of the best for giving the back a visual width. With a straight bar (see photo), the trapezius muscles are also included in the work. Make sure that the cable is parallel to the floor during the exercise, the torso does not change the slope, and the back is straight. Shrugs. Almost the only exercise for isolated work on the trapezius muscles. There are many variations - with dumbbells, with a barbell, standing, sitting or lying down. The photo shows an option sitting on a bench with dumbbells. When lifting the dumbbells up, you can lower your chin slightly, which will increase the load on the muscles. It is important not to rotate your shoulders or relax them at the bottom of the exercise - this is very dangerous for the joints. One-arm dumbbell row. Place your knee and hand on the bench. Take the dumbbell with your other hand, pull it as close to your chest as possible, then slowly lower it down. Make sure that your back is parallel to the floor during the exercise, do not round it; do not drop your non-working shoulder. Important: As soon as the elbow is at shoulder level, connect the shoulder to the movement - pull it up with the elbow. This will maximize the contraction of your mid-back and upper lats. If you are having trouble getting your elbow higher than your shoulder, use a lighter dumbbell.
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